Untitled from Devon Catucci on Vimeo.
"SOMEBODY IS WATCHING" we realized it better suited by the name "THE HUNTER"
We oroginally intended for our project to be slightly more traditional. we had a thrid person, and it was going to be, boy stalks girl, girl gets mad.,and kills the boy. unfortantley we faced a pretty major challenge while doing this. one of our group members could not be there the day of filming, and faced with crisis, we thought on our toes and switched up the entire idea. first we decided that boy stalking girl was too boring, so we made the girl the stalker, better yet, we made the camera the stalker, or the point of view. it created a sense of mystery in the begining, it almost seemed like a documentary, just a camera following a subject, but then the music changes and creates a feeling of suspense and throws out the idea of the documentary. you start to feel like there are two people at a time, even though you dont see two people at time. the juxtapostion of shots helped create that effect, you could see the other person when the main person looks back. we also cut alot of the shots of the walking and chasing to create a temporal relationship. it obviously takes longer than 5 minutes to cover that much ground in the school. we used all kinds of different shots, mostly tracking shots, but in certain places we used high angle and low angle shots, for intance the view from the glass hallway, or from the steps going to the subway. the music we chose was very suiting, "psychokiller" by the talking heads was a fun upbeat song, yet with the theme of the film still in it, and the suspense music we chose was the perfect for creating the emotion we watned it to. overall the film was a sucess, yes, it might have seemed a little more comical than we would have preferred, but regardless of our setbacks, we still made everything work, and the otucome was great.
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